Kieran Holmes

International Womens Day and the Young Womens Trust



In celebration of International Womens day I wanted to write this post to raise awareness about the Young Women’s Trust which supports and represents young women who have experienced low pay, unemployment and job insecurity. Everyone has had different experiences when it comes to work and employment in their younger years. My journey has been filled with highs and lows. Whilst I’m still not adverse to uncertainty in my path, my level of resilience does remain at a high. It’s something that I’ve learned to grasp because that’s something that no one else can hold.

In this age of diversity, there is more pressure on women than ever to do everything, be everywhere, to work, to mother children, to be a supportive partner and to be an individual of your own with your own work ethic and identity. I do think this a great thing. The right to be able to do everything we want to and have a voice is what our mothers fought for. I also do believe that with balance, it is all possible to achieve, however it requires support in many different forms. It takes a village as they say. Not all women have that support system to be able to follow everything through which could be due to an abundance of circumstances. Switching across all of these amazing female roles and capabilities is an absolute art that takes time, confidence to do whilst in some cases it seems physically impossible.

For example when it comes to the topic of motherhood and weighing up continuing your career or going back to work at all. This is a really prominent topic amongst my friends and peripheries who have started or are thinking about starting families like myself. It’s topical because we’ve been raised in the same way as our brothers to succeed at what we set out to do, and haven’t quite factored in the force that motherhood hits you with; a tough but an amazing one of course.

Since becoming a mother that never had maternity leave, I am beginning to appreciate the finesse that our role as women requires to be able to hold onto everything and achieve the goals that we set out to do as women. Whilst my career by default has the flexibility which has allowed me to do both so far, I have also had had an incredible amount of support in order to power through and practise this wonderful balancing act. Though, everyone’s circumstances are different and many women in their formative years do need active support. I support the Young Womens Trust in raising awareness and starting a conversation for everything it does for women, whether it’s in the realms of transforming confidence, making a plan, staying motivated, mental health, relationships, family or money, or simply figuring out what is is you want to do.

For more information head to:

Also click here to check out there video

Women working together can make a difference. Happy International Womens Day!

Kavita xxx


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