I’m starting to get the hang of this! At four and five months pregnant I was struggling with ‘pregnancy style’ because I just looked like I’d had one too many pastas – which was actually very much the case. Now I am developing a bump quite nicely. I went to South Africa a few weeks ago when I was about 24 weeks pregnant and it felt like I literally popped overnight. I’m still having my ups and downs in the way I’m feeling about myself and my body, but I’m doing my very best at managing this with a little help with dresses like this.
I’m not always comfortable having the bump entirely on show yet, so the oversized dress look like this gorgeous one from Vilshenko. Dresses like these are so perfect for looking chic whilst being able to get-shit-done and staying comfortable in the meantime, especially when you’re in the second trimester getting used to the changing happening to your body. It sounds like a really vain thing to say but from recent interaction on my Instastories, being on the self conscious side about your body is something I really relate too so I don’t think there is any harm in dressing around your insecurities.
I’m all for getting the bump out – but let’s take it step by step. I have attached a little shop of dresses over here and throughout the post, as well as the shopping credits of all the bits I’m wearing below. I would say these dresses are great for that halfway point of your pregnancy. Personally I’m having a really struggle with actual maternity wear as there is much less choice out there, so for now I’m trying not to limit myself to just maternity clothes. Going up a size or two with normal dresses is all good for me for now!

Dress by Vilshenko (similar here)
White saddle bag | Masscob (similar here and here)
Black wedges | Castaner
Sunglasses | Freda Banana
Hair by Limoz
Photos by Frances Davison