Kieran Holmes

Happy New Year



Theory Polo and Topshop Flares 1

It feels great to be back to in London from a great break out of the city. Life can get claustrophobic sometimes in London, despite it being home. Even if I don’t leave the country, I find myself coming back after this particular festive holiday period the most refreshed, reset and ready to start the new year.

I think any excuse to shake old habits and make changes and resolutions in your life that you have always wanted, new year is a great bandwagon to jump on. I always like to remind myself that it can be used as a benchmark and really it’s only a date in the diary which can actually be self applied at any time of the year or your life.

For me this year it’s generally the usual which is maintain a healthy and organised living. I have made an attempt of explaining my trail of thoughts below. I hope it’s inspiring.

Above I am wearing a chunky cashmere knit from Theory, an earring by Chloe and some cropped flared jeans from Topshop.


Read more.

It’s so easy to spend hours in front of the TV (I do love Netflix), movies and Instagram. However reading allows you to actually use your imagination a little bit more, slowing you down to a more mindful state of thinking. 4b14fbd910eb4b6174c54f8f4269325b

Cook more food at home

Nothing is more pleasant than a great meal cooked from scratch at home using fresh ingredients. There are so many amazing cookbooks and healthy recipes out there now that can be really inspiring. Some of my recent favourites are Jamie Olivers new book Superfoods, Hemsley and Hemsley, and Deliciously Ella are a few of my favourites.bbb871cc200f9d59aa7de7bb55e8816737cb4cd1a69b03d1db76fffd57daa3211d105e81a8b673fafb1f0ee0f70a1e37739248651d3cfd028199a8f32c409092

Take more photos of anything and everything.

Get creative. I have a few old cameras lying around that I haven’t touched in ages. Especially film cameras which are always so much fun because you don’t know the outcome of the pictures so are more inclined to just snap away and see what happens.
Kate Moss by Bruce Webber

Get rid of negative thinking.

It’s so easy to get into a rut of negative thoughts especially in January. Don’t beat yourself up about stuff that you didn’t follow through doing or things from the past because you literally can’t do anything to change it. Onwards and upwards, there is pretty much always a solution or positive outcome to anything, it just depends which way you look at it.

The book Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway is a good one. This was recommended to me by the lovely youtuber and blogger Patricia Bright over breakfast once and it inspired her to do a lot of the things she does now.949ee0d9cf393766d92ff6115c9a07a0680be1599e2e6e19e81de81e340cd17a668e124a8bc19da868f854f86865b450

Avoid procrastination and get on with it.

I know it’s so easy to say but we all do it. Whether it’s to do with eating the right food, getting into a better routine of exercise or getting in touch with someone. Go for it. tumblr_mzmhvcVu3B1s4o4eho1_50097e1f97f16bf8686cbce4d9e179ccf90 4d4d4ace12f9932e3ed2bfeacddc5764

Plan cultural trips away.

The further away from school days I get the more I somehow seem to miss some great weekend city breaks. I love escaping to a new city worth visiting without shopping or sunshine in mind. I’d love to get to Berlin this year at some point, and Copenhagen too.fb97db17f19babb9f598dea2fdfa3eef6e8309c5312b5fca2e41f89e9d463c01tumblr_lgca4pQHGA1qc3td4o1_500f03a391510089a28afaa4b696d27569ba28036892c8a790a4c4bcfe515eb5a4c

Go to the countryside more often.

Whether it be a friends or family home, an air b’n’b or a hotel, a little weekend escape into Britain is always so worth it. I spend new year in the Highlands in Scotland which was such a lovely escape to unwind and reset and spend some fun times with friends without phone reception. With long walks, hot whiskey Toddies and wholesome dinners, we were winning all round.

Avoid the below, no matter how cool it looks.

As much as we try and deny it – it’s just bad. whoops.f2a3f6c4f05ed2ca08d46ce0b62b244f

Don’t forget about your loved ones, family and your friends.

It’s really to get caught up in work life and you but a secure unit of people around you who you care about and love is so important. Keeps you real and makes the world go round.8f9d695ac13755d28c11835ffe2a6f6e497cd7af446a16a85376caf1a4f28eb7a7715f80401c9fda96e3646cb279a8f6

A happy happy happy new year from me.

Kavita Cola x


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