Kieran Holmes

Old Dregs with New Threads

Fashion, Style


KavitaCola Polo Layering-14

So this is the prime time of year for me where inspiration is running on the low side, hair is in the need of some major loving and my skin is feeling super thirsty. I also am so bad with the cold weather that I often end up wearing the same staples over and over again. I bought a few bright coloured polos a while back, planning on wearing them as underlayers on shirts so here I am.

You might have seen in previous posts that I’m a huge fan of Raquel Allegra, a brand that celebrates raw silks, tie dye and a soft grungy colour palette this season. I wore this shirt on my epic trip to Hong Kong and Cambodia, in the sun over a bikini or out for dinner with trousers and quite frankly I wanted to inject a bit of that sunshine ease into my winter wears.

On a rare roam around Londons Theatre district in between meetings I’m having some major reflective moments, hanging around at back stage doors reminiscing my days of being a student at Central Saint Martins in this very stomping ground. Feeling all very grown up now in my polo neck with shirt and vintage fur, check out the rest of some of my favourite staples from this outfit below. x

KavitaCola Polo Layering-26 KavitaCola Polo Layering-3KavitaCola Polo Layering-27 KavitaCola Polo Layering-28KavitaCola Polo Layering-1KavitaCola Polo Layering-20KavitaCola Polo Layering-17KavitaCola Polo Layering-22KavitaCola Polo Layering-23KavitaCola Polo Layering-41KavitaCola Polo Layering-16KavitaCola Polo Layering-24KavitaCola Polo Layering-7KavitaCola Polo Layering-29KavitaCola Polo Layering-4KavitaCola Polo Layering-19
Shirt | Raquel Allegra

Polo neck | Boohoo

Jeans | Levis

Boots | Dune

Bag | Loewe

Earrings | Links of London

Jacket | Vintage from Golborne Road

Photos my Frances Davison

Kavita Cola x


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